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Wisdom teeth Removal Melbourne

Wisdom tooth extraction

Relieve the pain of impacted wisdom teeth with our expert dental care

Wisdom teeth usually appear in the late teens or early 20s. Most adults typically have four wisdom teeth, though it’s perfectly natural to have fewer or none. They aren’t always a problem. You might find your wisdom teeth, while tender, will develop into functional everyday teeth. 

Problems begin when insufficient space forces erupting wisdom teeth to impact your existing teeth. Our experts will do what we can to save all of your affected teeth. But removal may be necessary. If it is, rest assured we will make the process as painless and comfortable as possible.

The symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth

Untreated impacted wisdom teeth may cause several painful symptoms. They can be debilitating or even life-threatening.

Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include:

  • Extreme pain
  • Damage to neighbouring teeth, including tooth and root decay
  • Infection, which can become life-threatening if left untreated
  • Development of cysts and tumours

Some impacted wisdom teeth don’t show any symptoms at all. That’s why it’s always best to have a dentist take a look.

Wisdom teeth removal clinic

Your safety, comfort and wellbeing are our absolute priority. Don’t let yourself suffer a day longer. 

If you’re afraid of the dentist, you certainly are not alone. Our dentists specialise in caring for anxious and stressed clients. No matter how complex a treatment you need, we’ll keep the entire process relaxed, friendly and gentle.

While our dental clinic is based in Point Cook, we offer painless wisdom tooth extraction to all of Melbourne.

The price of wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne

The cost of wisdom tooth removal depends on your specific needs. If you’d like a quote, don’t hesitate to call our friendly team.

We make a real effort to be as accessible as possible. If you’re worried about the cost of your wisdom tooth extraction, we provide flexible payment options.

Payment options at The Point Dental include:

  • Interest-free payment plans for up to $30,000 over 3-24 months
  • Early release of superannuation (which our helpful team can assist you with)
  • Direct payment by cash, Vista, Mastercard and EFTPOS (we do not accept AMEX)
  • Private health insurance

Book in with Melbourne’s pain-free wisdom teeth removal specialists