03 83609998 Melbourne's Leading Centre for Dental Fear Patients & All-on-4 Implants
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Is sleep dentistry safe?

is sleep dentistry safe

Go to sleep and wake up smiling with sedation dentistry Visiting the dentist makes shoulders tense and stomachs drop. Many people would rather endure the agony of a toothache than visit the dentist. But like taxes, visiting the dentist is a pain we can’t avoid. This is a painful reality…

Can You Get Dental Implants With Bone Loss?

getting dental implants with bone loss

Breakthroughs In Dental Implant Technology Can Overcome Bone Loss Any time your teeth or gums experience trauma, you’re at risk of bone loss. It may be caused by gum disease or injury, but bone loss is most often the result of dentures or multiple missing teeth. Dental implants prevent bone…

How much does sleep dentistry cost?

how much does sleep dentistry cost

The dentist can be a source of anxiety for many. Dental fear affects almost one in six Australian adults. Thankfully, now you can access sleep dentistry — a form of dental work which involves sedation. Only, you may now have a new fear. How much will it cost? Sleep dentistry…

Overcoming dental fear

Dental fear

Effective ways to cope with common dental fear Dental fear and dental anxiety wreak havoc on the oral health of a large number of Australians. In fact, around one in six struggle with a high level of fear of dental work. Fortunately, there are some options to help you cope.…

What are the causes of bad breath?

What are the causes of bad breath

Eliminating bad breath can be simple and effective Knowing the causes of bad breath can help you get on top of it. The truth is, many of us experience it at some stage and it can be uncomfortable and frustrating, taking a great toll on your confidence. What we often…

Dental options for damaged or discoloured teeth

options for damaged or discoloured teeth

How cosmetic dentistry can restore your self-confidence Your smile is how you express yourself, so you shouldn't put up with damaged or discoloured teeth. No longer limited to the rich and the famous, cosmetic dentistry is the perfect choice if you want to achieve that perfect smile. If you have…

Eliminate dental fear with sleep dentistry

eliminate dental fear with sleep dentistry

Sleep dentistry is an effective way to overcome dental anxiety Even the bravest among us can experience fear or anxiety about dental work. It’s not uncommon that anxiety — or in extreme cases, dental phobia – leads to delayed treatment or skipping dental work altogether. If this sounds like you,…

Zygoma dental implants – what are your options?

zygoma dental implants what areyouroptions

Zygoma implants are an outstanding technique with long lasting results Zygoma dental implants are a remarkable procedure used to restore full sets of upper teeth. Zygoma are distinct from traditional implants as they involve attaching the implant to the cheekbone (zygoma) rather than the jawbone. One of the main benefits…

How dental implants can improve your health

how dental implants can improve health

Restorative dental for a functional, healthy smile Your teeth play an important role in your overall health. They enable you to eat and speak with ease, and can impact your self-esteem. However, when things go wrong with your teeth due to decay or infection it can wreak havoc on not…

Why We’re Your Go-To Dentist in Point Cook

dentist point cook

Making dentistry a better experience for our patients At The Point Dental, we want to make coming to the dentist as easy and stress-free as possible. We understand going to the dentist can be daunting for some, and we want to change that. We create a comfortable and relaxing environment…

Digitising dentistry

Digitising Dentistry

Australia’s leading dentists are embracing digital technology to improve customer service, boost their marketing efforts, and provide a higher level of in-house patient care. By Shane Conroy The digital revolution has transformed the way we live, and now it’s set to change what we expect from our healthcare providers. According…

Do Away With Dentures With Different Dentistry

Aged Care Insite

Dr Wilfred Koon is the founder and principal dentist at The Point Dental, in Point Cook, Melbourne. He is seeking to revolutionise the masticating lives of older Australians with a different type of dental implants. It’s called All-on-4 and Koon says it is quicker, cheaper and safer than traditional dentures.…

Channel 7 Today Tonight Dental Phobia

Dental News Coverage

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJkDZlUGZjw Video Transcript Very few people like going to the dentist but for some the fear is so great they could go years even decades without a visit, but as David Richardson reports there are now new ways to help you get back in the chair. I had a lot…

Mirella James Overcoming Dental Phobia Interview

Overcoming Dental Phobia Interview

Question: Can you talk us through the dental phobia you had? Mirella James: Not sure you can call it a phobia but dental hygiene in terms of regular visits to the dentist was something never really focused on as a child and therefore not a huge priority as a young adult…

Forté talk Sleep Dentistry

Sleep Dentistry

Dr Wilfred Koon, principle dentist at The Point Dental, located in Point Cook, Melbourne has developed his practice to help Australians who suffer from dental phobia. We had a chat with Dr Koon about the very real fear for Aussies today and sleep dentistry. What exactly is sleep dentistry and…

Being mindful in dentistry to help dental phobes – a Q&A with Dr Wilfred Koon

How Mindfulness Can Help Dental Phobes

Why did you decide to focus on dental phobia, and how were you introduced to ways to help people overcome this? I have always been someone who cares for other people’s feeling. Whenever I do something I would try to put myself in that person’s shoes and try to imagine…

Sleep Dentistry Is Growing In Popularity

Sleep Dentistry Growing in Popularity

Dr Wilfred Koon, principle dentist at The Point Dental, located in Point Cook, Melbourne has developed his practice to help Australians who suffer from dental phobia. According to Dr Koon, in Australia alone, “one in six adults suffer from massive fear of going to a dentist and as a result,…

How You Can Benefit From Sleep Dentistry

Female Dentist with Scraper

Did you know that there are approximately 16% of Australian adults who suffer from dental fear? Thousands of Australians would rather avoid visiting their dentist than receiving dental care, putting at significant risk their oral health. This fear is often associated with a person’s past experiences in the dentist chair…

What is a Dental Implant? (Infographic)

Dental Infographic

  Dental implant guide

Implant Dentistry: A Quick Guide

Dental Implant Closeup

Have you lost a tooth or teeth? Replacing them is important for not only your smile but your health too. Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option and are the next best thing to natural teeth. Are you a visual learner? Check out our implant dentistry infographic. What is…

Overcoming dental anxiety (infographic)

Reclining Dentist Chair Illustration

  For more detailed information check out our blog post here.  

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Woman with Dental Anxiety

Many people experience some level of fear associated with visiting the dentist and put off getting the dental care they need because of it. This can lead to serious problems and the need for more extensive restorative dental work. Are you a visual learner? Check out our dental anxiety infographic…

Help! I’m losing all my teeth. What can I do?

Man Hiding His Smile

Find out the different options to replace all your teeth Losing all your teeth is one of the worst things that could happen to you. When you lose your teeth, you lose your smile, your confidence, your ability to eat, and your appearance. In essence, you lose a part of…

Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Smile

Dr. Koon Dental Phobia Newspaper Clipping

Do you judge a person within the first few minutes of meeting them? However hard we try not to, the vast majority of us are guilty of subconsciously summing someone up soon after that initial meeting. Often a smile plays an important role because it is always noticed first. Many…